Thursday, July 5, 2012

Shri 105 MuktiLaxmi Mataji's Vihar

What a starting of the day, almost woke up at 4:15 AM...and then at 4:20 .. and eventually at 4:45 ;-). Followed by a run-for-life chase to catch the 5:00 AM bus at the temple. Narrowly escaped an head on collision on the way….but somehow managed to reach temple at 5:10 AM. Thankfully there was a vehicle to take us to "Sarita Vihar' at that time. 

Joined mata jee's vihar near Jasola and then a brisk 8 km walk with Matajee's Sangh is really memorable.. Over 15 JYN members and other jain samaj people joining us in chanting namokar-mantra, singing bhajans and shouting slogans. 

We reached temple at 6:45 AM followed by a good discussion with Sangh on JYN activities and future plans.

Thanks everyone who joined us for this event and made it a grand success.